Available Treatments

Before any treatment begins...

Our qualified chiropractor will interview and examine the patient in order to determine whether chiropractic care is appropriate for your condition. X-rays, scans and blood tests are not usually required, but can quickly be arranged if required.

Diversified chiropractic adjustments

photo of chiropractor adjusting the alignment of the upper spine

Diversified chiropractic adjustments are done by applying force in a specific direction to the body, and the result is a change in the position and motion of spinal bones or other joints of the body. Force is applied with hands.

You may hear a popping noise, resulting from gas and lubricating fluids in the spinal joints shifting.

Usually you will receive treatment on a special chiropractic table designed of several parts that can be moved to assist the chiropractor in performing the adjustment.


photo of chiropractor performing ultrasound treatment of neck pain photo of chiropractor performing LASER therapy treatment of wrist pain

Physiotherapy involves evaluating, diagnosing, and treating a range of diseases, disorders, and disabilities using physical means. Physiotherapy is considered within the realm of conventional medicine.

Physiotherapy treatment begins with an assessment of the patient's condition. This assessment typically includes a medical history review and a physical examination. Both elements are important to successfully examining and treating the patient. The assessment stage may, in some cases, involve diagnostic tests to better evaluate the patient's condition and develop an effective treatment plan.

Treatment is based on the unique needs of the patient through the use various treatment methods, such as musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary physiotherapy techniques.

Physiotherapy uses a range of treatment techniques to restore movement and function within the body.

Manual methods of treatment:

  • Joint mobilization
  • Manual stretching
  • Therapeutic exercises
  • Soft tissue manipulation

Non-manual methods of treatment:

  • Ultrasound
  • Interferential therapy
  • Cryotherapy
  • Electrical stimulation
  • LASER Therapy
  • Hot pack
  • Traction

Kinesio Taping

photo of chiropractor applying kinesio tapes to limit wrist pain

Kinesio Taping gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. It is also used for preventive maintenance, edema, and to treat pain.

Kinesio Taping is a technique based on the body's own natural healing process. This Kinesio Taping exhibits its efficacy through the activation of neurological and circulatory systems. This method basically stems from the science of Kinesiology, hence the name "Kinesio".

Muscles are not only attributed to the movements of the body but also control the circulation of venous and lymph flows, body temperature, etc. Therefore, the failure of the muscles to function properly induces various kinds of symptoms.

The Kinesio Taping method is applied over muscles to reduce pain and inflammation, relax overused tired muscles, and to support muscles in movement on a 24hr/day basis. It is non-restrictive type of taping which allows for full range of motion.

Kinesio Taping is used for anything from headaches to foot problems and everything in between.

Examples include:

  • muscular facilitation or inhibition in pediatric patients
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • lower back strain/pain (subluxations, herniated disc)
  • knee conditions
  • shoulder conditions
  • hamstring
  • groin injury
  • rotator cuff injury
  • whiplash
  • tennis elbow
  • plantar fasciitis
  • patella tracking
  • pre and post surgical edema
  • ankle sprains
  • athletic preventative injury method

Common Chiropractic Terms


A form of chiropractic technique involving the application of gentle, yet firm, pressure to a bone. Adjustments employ a high velocity, low amplitude thrust. The goal of any adjustment is to restore the bone to its natural, or original, position.

Birth trauma

Injury caused to an infant's musculoskeletal system during birth. A baby's nervous system can incur damage while travelling through the birth canal. Often, this damage manifests itself in the form of mild "subluxations," or misalignments of the tiny vertebrae.

Facet joint syndrome

A condition in which the cartilage in spinal joints wears thin. Your body begins producing material (called bone spurs) to shore up the cartilage. This material can calcify, or harden, causing stiffness in the joint. In some cases, facet joint syndrome can contribute to joint inflammation, muscle spasms, and later osteoarthritis.


A form of chiropractic treatment which involves the application of gentle yet firm pressure to muscles, joints and bones. The goal of manipulation is to restore normal joint motion and to eliminate pain.

Motion palpation

A form of chiropractic adjustment using a hand technique to determine if your vertebrae are properly aligned.


Additional bone material, or overgrowths, that have been attributed to a wide variety of ailments. Also called bone spurs, osteophytes are manufactured by your body in response to a breakdown in existing bony structures. Sometimes, bone spurs can exert pressure on nerves, and this leads to pain.

Pelvic blocking

A form of chiropractic treatment using cushioned wedges under each side of the hips. The chiropractor gently maneuvers the pelvic area, allowing gravity to pull the disc away from the affected nerve.

Piriformis syndrome

A condition caused by the sciatic nerve getting pinched as it exits the spinal column. (Sometimes, it can mimic the symptoms of sciatica.) The pinching is sometimes caused by muscles spasms. Piriformis syndrome sometimes causes pain along the back of the thigh to the knee, or loss of feeling in the soles of the feet.

Sacroiliac joint disorder

A common joint disorder involving the sacroiliac joint, which links the bottom of the spine with pelvic bone. This joint endures a lot of pressure and absorbs the shocks from the upper body. While it is a very strong and mostly stationary joint, the sacroiliac joint can become damaged or impaired. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction can mimic many of the symptoms of herniated lumbar disc.


A medical term that refers to spinal curvatures. Scoliosis is a condition that almost always begins in early childhood. It is now readily treated the earlier it is detected. Children should be checked at age 8,10,12,14 and 16.


An advanced case of facet joint disorder in which spinal joints slip forward.


Misalignments in the bony structures of the spine. Subluxations can create pressure or irritation on the various nerves in your spine, and can cause a wide variety of symptoms throughout your body, such as localized pain, soreness, irregularity, and weakness. When pressure is applied on a nerve in your spine, the nerve energy is interrupted, and sometimes this can profoundly affect the function of other systems or organs in your body.

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMDs)

A condition caused by problems with the muscles of the jaw or the joint itself. A clicking or popping sound when opening the mouth wide, such as in yawning, may be a sign that you have a problem with your TMJ.

Vertebral subluxation complex

Medical terminology for the ways chiropractors categorize the various locations, or "components," where subluxations are known to occur. The five components of the vertebral subluxation complex are osseous (bone), nerve, muscle, soft tissue and chemical.


An injury to the cervical spine, or neck, and occurs when the muscles and other soft tissues are hyper-extended or hyper-flexed.

Chiropractic Stages Of Care

It is important to understand the stages of chiropractic care because they are unique relative to those of other health-care disciplines. Because chiropractic addresses core physiological and biomechanical aspects of the body, the process to correct problems without drugs or surgery can take some time. Some conditions can be treated in a few visits, while others may take longer.

The following is a brief summary of the three major phases of chiropractic care.

Relief Care

The majority of patients consult a chiropractor because they have an ache or pain. In the first phase of care, the main objective is to eliminate or reduce your discomfort and stabilize your condition in the shortest amount of time. During this phase, progress is usually rapid.

The number of times you visit a chiropractor during this phase of care varies and is dependent upon your specific condition. It is hard to say how long it will be until you see relief, it could be as short as a week or up to a month. If you are not responding to chiropractic care during this phase, you may be referred to another health-care provider.

Rehabilitative Care

Once your condition has stabilized, you enter the second phase of care, where the objective is to correct any underlying injury or cause of discomfort, strengthen the muscles, and improve neuromusculoskeletal function. The frequency of chiropractor visits is reduced over a period of two to six weeks. Care may be supplemented by rehabilitation exercises, nutrition, and modification of daily habits.

It is important to remember that many of the conditions for which people seek care have developed over many years; therefore, correcting these problems is a true rehabilitative process. It helps to understand that it takes time to correct these conditions. Once your discomfort has subsided, you may think all is well and choose to abandon your efforts. However, if you end your care before fully healing the muscles and soft tissues, you can invite a relapse. This is a mistake many people make, and it sets them up for recurring health issues.

It's hard to believe that, after all the time, effort, energy, and money put into correcting a problem, a patient would choose to forgo this relatively easy phase of care!

As much as we would love to see you in our clinic, we much rather assist you in maintaining your health rather than relieving your pain.

Wellness Care

You then "graduate" to the wellness phase, which is designed to maintain your improved health, encourage normal spinal function, prevent the return of the original condition, and catch small problems before they become serious. A personal wellness care program will be designed specifically for you where we teach you how to incorporate good nutrition and exercise habits into your everyday life, thereby promoting vitality, endurance, and the ability to enjoy life at its fullest.

A good way to look at chiropractic is to relate it to dentistry. We all know it takes a long time to develop tooth decay, but with regular maintenance and check-ups, the plaque doesn't have a chance. Similarly, it often takes a long time to develop a spinal misalignment. But with regular maintenance, the bones will not have a chance to get out of line.

Few things as complicated as your body can be "fixed" and then ignored. Think of your car, your teeth, or your relationships. They take time and effort to maintain, but you know it's worth it in the long run. That's why we recommend a regular schedule of chiropractic checkups.

You can then congratulate yourself on achieving your ultimate goal: optimal health!